It is said that the eyes are windows to the soul. This is especially true with cats. Yes your garden variety house hold cat. Before I had savannahs I had 2 black cats, both of them females from the same litter. I spent many a friday night with nothing better to do than drink some beer, eat corn chips and gaze into Annabelle's eyes.
When I got Seyah, one thing I did was get a good camera and learned to use it. That boy has more photos of him than any other cat that I know. I suppose at the time I was compensating with quantity vs true skill. At least I can say that I was able to capture for all time "his" window to his soul. As the he lives on in the photos and in my memory. There is one thing that still life does not capture is his mannerisms. They only capture a moment in time, and when you look back on that moment it is hard to tell exactly what you were thinking or what he was thinking. All you can do is imagine. You have a spot in time (or spotted love in time) and your imagination. I took many such photos of many such windows. The one thing I tell people about Savannahs and especially the early generations is that they have a FULL range of emotions. Seyah was the main study for my hypothesis. As far as emotions go, he had them all. Some may not know this but in the first six months that I had him, Seyah bit me 6 times.
Leonard D.
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I was looking at your website to see if you had any new photos of Seyah and learned he had passed away. He was such a beautiful cat who loved you enough to sit and watch television. Your "windows to the soul" tribute was fitting.
I still feel weepy when I see Seyahs photos. He is a Savannah icon in my eyes. Love him always.
Seyah was such a special SV. I loved watching your videos of Seyah jumping so high! It seemed that you and Seyah had a wonderful bond. I feel your sadness.
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