Training Your Cat to Walk on a Leash
Your new Savannah Kitten is interested in what is the “great outdoors”, what should you do? Under no circumstances should you ever let you kitty wonder outside unsupervised. I would even go a step further that he should not go outside without a leash and harness.
Savannahs can easily be trained to walk on a leash. What are your expectations of the cat on a leash? More than anything it takes time and patience. If the cat is more persistent than you are then the cat wins. A cat on a leash is more like the cat walking you, and if the cat does not want to walk you don’t walk, especially at first.
Training your cat to walk is really something you can do and develop that relationship between you and your cat. Sometimes it is about the cats trust in you.
Start buy having your cat wear the walking jacket to get used to it. With a leash attached then go to the back/front yard let them lead or go where they want. They will probably just sniff around some flowers or munch on grass. Try not to constantly pull on the leash. This needs to be a pleasurable experience. If your cat does not like the time on the leash then the cat will probably not want to be on it. If this is the case then what you have is a cat that wants to be outside without a leash.
Cats in general do not want to be out in the open if they are in new places. Many times they want to be near or in shrubs bushes or weeds. Getting them to walk on the side walks sometimes is hard because of this. If you have a very confident cat then it is not so much a problem. After the cat is trained and is used to the "sidewalk" they will normally walk on it without complaining.
You can see this in some of my videos on at: www.youtube.com/lifeatthesharpend. Leonard D. (lifeatthesharpend)
About the photo:
Demdar Savannahs Fifth Wheel; Owner: Kristin Filseth
Demdar Fith Wheel has very nice leg length, hard muscular long body, he has good tuckup, nice thick tail that is not too long, good stance, upright ears, good contrasting spotting pattern. His color is warm. When Fifth Wheel goes out for his walks he is confident and has a tall stride. He is curious, enthusiastic, outgoing. (http://personal.rockbridge.net/kfilseth/index.html)
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