This really is a follow up to "window to the soul" blog. It always a mazes me when a kitten is born and it first starts to open its eyes, by this time I have been handling the kitten for a few days, maybe a week or so. I will typically let it smell me and explore this strange large beast that is not it's mother. Once it opens it's eyes it sees you in a different light. Many times it's scared of you and will cry out for mom, until it realizes it's you again. You can see the change in the kittens development through it's eyes and you can see the development of the kittens self awareness and it's awareness of it's environment. I new kitten is being made.
At first the kitten can't see anything but light and dark. It it first sees you, you are this large blob that is moving and scary to the kitten. After a while it's eyes develop, it learns to walk, learns to eat, learns to poop, learns to pee. I'm usually there for all of that. I interact with them and will help mom out, but really help the kitten to realize this person that was once a big scary blob is it's 2nd mom. I like to give a bottle to the kitten from time to time. Which will make the bonding process stronger. Sometimes the kitten will not accept the substitue for the real tit or real mothers milk.
Once the kitten makes the connection of a 2nd mom it really starts looking forward to seeing you and what it means. Many times it means freedom for the kitten or it sees a new playmate in you and a way out of the room. Many times the kitten will look in aw or amazement at you and I can't but wonder what is that kitten thinking. A kitten look can pierce into your very soul and surely make your heart melt. As you continue to interact with the kitten and it gets more and more daring it wants out and about. At first it will not leave your side or moms side. Many times mom will be to nervous to let it go out, but the kitten wants what the kitten wants and many times nothing can stand in it's path. It goes out, out into the great unknown. Finally out of the bedroom and into the hall where many scary things lie. The kitten runs back into your arms and has the look that look of "it's scary out there". That probably happens once, after a day then they say let me out I want to explore.
After the kitten has been let out, fed and is read for your attention it will look at you with the "kitten look" and then you know why you do it.
Leonard D.
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